Puppy Training and Dog Training Online

Home dog training is ideal for teaching you how to have well behaved dogs along with tons of other puppy and dog issues can be accomplished easier than one may think.

Just some of the issues online training will accomplish are:

Leash training

Stop biting, barking, chewing and licking.
House training, and more.

Puppy training and dog training online is the most efficient way to train your dog these day. You can train them whenever you want to without leaving the house. Better online programs have solid guarantees which assure you are getting quality training.

Let's take licking. It's unpleasant for either a family member, but especially for your guests, when your dog licks a person. It's actually rather disgusting when you think where that tongue may have been. There are two methods to begin immediately:

A. Firmly and verbally reprimand your dog when he is doing something inappropriately.

B. Consistently praise your dog when he is acting correctly and obeying commands.

Begin practicing every time every member of your house enters the house, to tell your pooch to "sit". It will be a distraction, and if he is sitting, he can't go up and lick folks. Then praise him with a treat and a verbal praise. There are also devices called clicker trainers you can include as well.

Another common problem I hear is about the dog jumping up on people when they enter the house. The same principle applies. Before you answer the door, for instance, tell your dog the command "sit". He is not allowed to be released from the "sit" position until things have calmed down.

Since he has obeyed the command, give him a treat and a verbal praise. Now if he does jump up, firmly and verbally use the command "off". Once again, it's important to practice and be consistent.

As you can see, it's crucial that you teach your dog the basic demands the proper way before you even consider teaching other commands.

I've learned a few tips about dogs that might be of interest to you ....

When you are taking your dog in the car, introduce him to the entire car first. Let him smell and get familiar with it. He will need to know his 'down!' and 'stay!'commands to ensure he spends the ride on the floor of the car where he will be the safest.

By the way, 'down' means to lay down. If your dog is on the sofa, say 'off' in a firm tone while pointing to the floor. He will get off the sofa and lay on the floor. Don't tell him to get 'down', the correct and consistent command is 'off'. You want him off the sofa.

You want him to lay down. He will go from the 'sit' to 'down' positions with these commands and there are hand motions for all. Later on you won't even have to speak commands, as he will be able to read your hand commands for stay, sit, down and off. When you and your dog communicate this way there is definitely a special bond and respect between the two of you.

One of the commands is to train him to eliminate himself either on command, or stands at the door for you to let him out. There are many techniques for this.

Yelling, screaming and showing anger will backfire on the results you desire when training your puppy or older dog. Firmness, love, and plenty of praise during and after a command has been accomplished will get you the results you want.

There are so many home techniques you'll be able to take advantage of no matter how old is.